How to Avoid Plagiarism in Writing

Well, let’s state up front that the assumption behind this article is that plagiarism is something you want to avoid and want to make sure you understand the rules in order to effectively do that. When you write essays and other academic pieces of work you will be relying upon and quoting or paraphrasing the […]

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Best Memory Techniques for Your Exam Preparation

Studying for exams is a time-consuming task that can become even more tedious if you forget everything you read by the time you move on to a new subject. Using mnemonic or memory devices is a great way to help you retain the information you are studying and aid your recall of that information when […]

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Ivy League

Chances are that at some point, regardless of where you’re from, you will have heard the term Ivy League to refer to a collection of prestigious universities in the United States. This list of institutions, all located in the north-eastern part of the country, includes; Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Brown University, […]

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How a Great Reflective Essay Should Look

As any Arts major will tell you, reflective essays are the cornerstone of university humanities courses. Reflective essays are designed to deconstruct pastevents and analyze what can be learned from them. These essays can be used as a platform to discuss personal growth and development. While writing a great reflective essay can be a daunting […]

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How to Avoid and Deal with Exam Resits

Well, if you read this title and ask yourself, “what’s a resit?”, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Not everyone will experience an exam resit during their education years, but for those who do, they can add an entire extra level of stress to what is an already-arduous process. Here, we do what […]

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Footnotes Dos and Don’ts

If you’ve ever read a textbook or an academic paper, chances are you’ve come across footnotes. Footnotes exist to represent either citations or additional pieces of information. How you use footnotes in your essay will depend on which essay style you are using. This short guide will act as a point of reference for planning […]

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E-learning Studies

This is an age in which a great many things are possible, and many of them because of the fantastic technological leaps we’ve made in the past decades. Computers, and the lightening speed at which we can share information have changed a great many things. Education is no exception. We live in an age of […]

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Dissertation Plan and Scheduling

A dissertation is a big undertaking. One of the most challenging aspects, however, can be how to manage what is in essence a great deal of unstructured time, in which to complete a big list of tasks. The best way to negotiate this maze, and to plan and schedule a dissertation from start to finish, […]

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Dissertation First Steps: Primary Research

So you made this far. Congratulations! Now it’s time for the holy grail of graduate work; the dissertation. It’s a big endeavour, and while in many ways a dissertation is not much more than a big research project, it must be comprehensive, and demonstrate a level of mastery over your domain. This comes from research, […]

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Directive Essay Words

It is sometimes said that the difference between a good grade and a great one is the difference between someone who sees key words and charges with an answer, and someone who takes the time to read the question 2 or 3 times to make sure they understand it. This can happen with exams, quizzes […]

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